Today we release the final installation in the chakra clearing and activation series, and one of my favorite chakras to play with. The crown chakra sits on the top of our heads, and is our gateway into unity consciousness. It is the portal through which you can tap into divine guidance and expanded awareness. Open your crown channel and watch your reality shift. This video is the final installation in my chakra activation series. If you missed any videos, or if you want to stay in the loop about future releases, please subscribe to my youtube channel. Namaste! If you follow astrological happenings at all, you know we're in the midst of a major planetary upgrade. And if you don't, this article can shed some light on it. While we often tend to romanticize ascension-related events, they can actually bring up all sorts of sediment for us to deal with, like water in a lake that gets shaken up, bringing up the dirt for all to see.
Times of turmoil may seem like a step back, but in truth they're an accelerator on our path to wholeness. Only by seeing our issues can we give them the attention they need to be resolved. So each time an issue arises, try expressing gratitude to it for showing itself. Then look for its gifts. While processing the many mirrors that have been held up to me lately, I revisited the Pain Body, an aspect of our shadow selves first introduced to me by Ekhart Tolle in The Power of Now (a great book). The pain body is just what it sounds like, an energetic/emotional mass that holds our pain, both individual and collective. I revisited the pain body with the intention of sitting with whatever pain was in my system and transmuting it. But I discovered a new feature to the pain body. Air bubbles. Air bubbles in the pain body are visual representations of places in our lives where we've been denying love to ourself or others, places where we've resisted the full expression of a high frequency emotion. All of us have resisted feeling our emotions at some point, and generally we do this for reasons of self-preservation. What's unique about entrapping loving emotions is that on its surface love is not frightening, rather the implications of loving in a particular context lead us to shut down the instinct to share our love. Bubbles in the pain body appear to my clairvoyant eye as clear air bubbles in the midst of a dense dark fog. That makes them the exact opposite of a typical emotional block in one's energy body, which appears as a dark, dense object in the midst of a clear, radiant space. As an energy worker, I focus my efforts on clearing those dense blocks where energy has ceased to flow, and inviting trapped emotions to be felt and released so the energy can flow freely again. With air bubbles in the pain body, the process is similar, but it effects a liberation of a love frequency that can be released into one's being, lightening the pain body and raising the vibration of the energy body. The yin yang is a perfect representation of this facet of our emotional experience. Not only can darkness be trapped in the light, but light can also be trapped in the darkness. However, dark is not synonymous with bad. "Dark" energy blocks at their core are desires to receive love that were not realized. Light energy bubbles are desires to give love that were not granted. By finding and liberating all of our captive emotions, we free up our energy for our higher purpose, that of being a light to others, to this planet, and to all of creation. An Archangel Alliance is a contract between two souls who agree to channel the qualities of an Archangel to each other at predesignated points in one's lifetime. The Archangels are divine embodiments of qualities that bolster our human experience, like grace, courage, beauty and strength. In an Archangel Alliance, two or more individuals serve as vessels through whom such divine qualities flow to each other. The members of this alliance have forged an agreement to channel the Archangel that is the most beneficial and needed to the other. The human channels in an Archangel Alliance provide a temporary or steady supply of divine love energy to bolster the other in his/her journey. Archangel Alliances are forged between like-minded individuals who feel estranged by society and often are deeply challenged by their life path. For this reason, many Indigos and Lightworkers are members of Archangel Alliances. An alliance is a contract of equals, meaning that both members receive strength from the other through the designated Archangel being channeled. The alliance deeply strengthens the bond between the two parties, which is often platonic. It is transformative and transformational. The feelings induced through an Archangel Alliance are like touching God through each other. An Archangel Alliance raises the vibration of both parties, enabling them to rise up to the frequency of love that is transmitted through them. Because of its powerful and healing nature, these interactions can be addictive to their members. Yet the relationship isn’t dominated by these channeling interactions. They may ramp up during times when one or both members need healing, and pull away when such resources are not needed. Through an Archangel Alliance, it is much easier for us to recognize the face of the divine in another. We can see the totality of the person – their flaws, character limitations etc. and still love them as an aspect of divine because those flaws are understood in their perfection as elements of learning and experience that are necessary to that person and those with whom they are in relationship. An Archangel Alliance is an opportunity to pierce the veil of humanness, to see another simultaneously as beautifully limited in their humanness and perfect in eternity, as the divine sees us. The specific Archangels who are channeled through the alliance are focused on the needs of its members. Someone who is feeling like an outcast might draw upon the strength of Archangel Gabriel, whereas one who is struggling to appreciate their inner beauty might draw upon Archangel Jophiel. Identifying an Archangel Alliance These easy steps can help you determine if you are in an Archangel Alliance.
Once you’ve confirmed that you’re in an Archangel Alliance, you may feel more drawn to the other person in your alliance. You may want to shout this truth to the rooftops. Don’t worry, though, if the other person rejects the idea outright. Today, not everyone is aware or open to believing about the range of ways that we are guided and assisted by the angelic realm. Know that you are blessed, and find ways to share news of this new discovery to those who are open to it. Explore the knowledge that has come through you and to you, as it is full of some very powerful gifts. Are you a member of an Archangel Alliance? How is that relationship uniquely supporting you? Please share your experiences in the comments. WHAT IS ENERGY? What is Energy? We are all made up of Energy. Everything is energy. Every experience carries with it energy - the food we eat, the people we interact with and even just pass on the street. The emotions we feel. The emotions others feel about us. The places we go. Everything. WHAT IS AN ENERGY BLOCKAGE? Most of us are unaware that we are constantly being affected by the energy of all of our experiences. We gather it into our light body, the energetic layer that comprises our body and our aura. This layer acts like a spider's web, gathering up everything that passes through it. When energy of lower vibrations builds up it gets stuck, creating emotional, physical and spiritual blockages. Over time, energy builds up and needs to be cleared out. This is basic spiritual hygiene. If you went a week without bathing you'd expect to be pretty dirty. WHAT IS AN ENERGY HEALING? There are many modalities of energy healing. They are processes by which energy which is of a higher, clearer vibration is infused into areas of lower density energy, causing the old energy to be elevated and/or released, allowing for cleaner, brighter energy to flow through freely. I use a combination of reiki, remote viewing and visualization to scan and assess one's state of energetic health, and to remove and release blockages and build up. For those with normal residue, they report feeling more energetic and inspired following a healing session. For those with physical pain and/or emotional issues, results range from relief, new signs of healing to the integration of new insights related to the original condition. WHAT ARE THE RESULTS OF AN ENERGY CLEARING? As an energy healer, I clear out people who are sensitive to energy, as well as those who are not. Those who are sensitive notice new integrations happening, old feelings being released and the influx of new energy in their lives. Those who are less sensitive notice outward changes in their life, and then are surprised to make the connection, when the only variable that changed was the healing. While an energy clearing is a quick process, the change is remarkable. Last week I shared a tool to identify and redeem your shadow, an aspect of yourself that you'd rather pretend isn't there. Today we'll explore another method for balancing and reintegrating your "undesirable" parts into your psyche. First, some background. The theory behind this method comes from a system called RYSE, which was introduced to me by our fabulous babysitter who is also a gifted healer, Steph. In studying IFS therapy, we can learn that we all have parts, or aspects of our personality, that possess different emotions and impulses. Just like members of any family or group environment, these parts can either work together harmoniously, or they can become polarized. When they're polarized - which becomes apparent when our behavior becomes erratic), the parts that have become polarized need to be brought back into balance. RYSE shows us that each personality part has a polar opposite. The positive pole of a part has "desirable" qualities and the negative pole is responsible for manifesting those qualities. But, when that part becomes unbalanced, the negative pole results in a shadow aspect that can flare up and wreak havoc. I'll walk you through a quick way to reintegrate the shadow, using last week's example of my angry part. First, it's helpful to get a sense of who that part is. My angry aspect looked like a bitter middle aged man with a huge gut named Mario (no offense intended to anyone who might have that name, that's just what came to me!). Then you can ask for its polar opposite to step forward. The polar opposite of angry Mario was a beautiful and powerful woman who radiated joy. I didn't get a name for her, and I didn't push it. Next, clear and transmute both parts. There's much more to this step, and I'll be posting a chakra clearing audio soon. But for now, envision yourself surrounded by a bubble of bright white light, and intend for that light to clear each part, then intend to transmute it, releasing and transforming any trapped energy. Then merge both parts. See them coming together inside yourself, and feel a spark of energy at your solar plexus chakra as they meet. You may also experience a current of energy running up your spine. Know that once they are fully merged the positive aspect will clear the negative aspect, so visualize more energy coming off the newly merged part and being transmuted. Voila, you're done. Like the first shadow method I shared, you can use this method alone or in combination with the other. Whatever works for you is best. We all have a shadow side. It's a part of us that we've worked hard to repress. So hard, in fact, that we don't even recognize it. Ever find yourself criticizing someone you see in public, or even one of your friends? Maybe they play the victim, or have a problem with extreme jealousy, or are passive aggressive? By now it's not news to most of us that we are triggered by others' reflections of ourselves. But knowing that and doing something about it are totally different animals. This week my child held up a mirror to me that showed me one of my shadow sides - anger. Big anger. And when you've been triggered by a four year old you can either call yourself crazy or count your blessings and look for the lesson. I chose to look for the lesson, knowing that I could free myself. There are lots of great resources out there for those who want to delve into the shadow, namely the awesome book Dark Side of the Light Chasers (affiliate link) by Debbie Ford. But if you're looking for a quick and dirty way to address your shadow, I'll walk you through what I did last night. It took me about half an hour. Acknowledge your shadow. Your shadow is a part of you that's been driven underground. It can be viewed as a personality and given a name and a face. Usually its opposite aspect has been very active in us while it lies inside quietly waiting for its moment to appear. We'll delve into the shadow's opposite in part 2 of this post. Write down your shadow's qualities. I described my shadow's traits as judgement, condemnation, hostility, rage, wanting to control others, and yelling. For each quality, ask your shadow, "how do you serve me?" and "what can I learn from you?" These lessons are most useful when you write them down, since otherwise they might be easily forgotten or ignored. For example, here's what I can learn from Judgement: Discernment. True authentic power comes from having the courage to step back and assess what is an authentic yes or no for me. Then I can own them and they will be clear to others as well. Once you've written down everything you have to learn from each of these qualities, you can set your resolutions to integrate the lessons from your shadow. My list looked like this: I resolve to: Reflect on my heart's position before saying yes, no or making plans Stand in my power when making decisions Use my voice to speak my truth Forgive others for past actions Validate my own worth and value Notice when I censor myself and observe the assumptions behind it Own and love my strength and power. Pretty amazing stuff for a part that I'd discarded as worthless. Even your bleakest, scariest part has gifts for you. It is simply trying to let you know that all of your truth is not being expressed. Having or acting on negative emotions isn't a failing. It's simply a mirror. Accept that mirror with grace and find the courage to look inside it. You'll find that your inner demons are actually much more beautiful than you'd ever have thought. You wouldn't go a week without bathing, would you? Most of us don't realize that our spiritual bodies, like our physical bodies, pick up all sorts of residue from our environment and the people with whom we interact. When we shake hands with someone else, not only are we picking up their germs, we also pick up their energy. That energy attaches itself to our energetic bodies, which affect our physical, emotional and spiritual health and wellness. When we spend time in the company of negative people, or in places that make us feel down, our aura soaks up that energy. While making conscious choices about our activities can help us in the long term, over in the short term there is an important ritual that can help us clear out the negativity. Visualization is one of the most important tools in energy healing. For daily cleansing, I like to visualize a huge magnet over my body when I lie down to go to sleep. I give that magnet the shape of the hebrew letter Aleph, which is the first letter in each of the words for "energy (of) other people". Your magnet can have any shape you like. Then visualize that magnet lifting all of the energy that doesn't belong to you off of your energetic body (body and aura) and lifting upwards to be purified into white light. After lifted others' energy off of you, you can recharge yourself using a spiritual shower of light, by visualizing light pouring down from the sun or from a large ball of light over your head. Again, choose the image that resonates most with you. Ta-dah, you're clean! Doing this every day takes just a few moments but can make a huge difference in how you feel. How you feel impacts how you act towards others, which then impacts the quality of energy coming at you during the day. So you're on a positive spiral to increase the amount of love and happiness in your life. Enjoy! I was held hostage by my fears for most of my life. My biggest fear was that it wasn’t okay to be who I was. Shedding that fear meant stepping into the truth of who I am, a place of tremendous power, as it is for everyone. The more I let go of who I wasn’t – the lies, the masks, the stories that covered up the real me, the more energy I had available, and the more I could see who I truly was, a sensitive person who wanted to heal the world. What some might call a lightworker.
The challenge most lightworkers face is that we walk around wide open to the energies around us, many of which are incredibly harsh. Those societal messages that shape our interactions with babies, children, adolescents, adults and the elderly are pretty awful. If you think about it, we’re all subjected to really harmful thoughtforms at every stage of our lives. When we’re young, we mistake those messages for truth. As we grow and evolve we have access to deeper truths. Accessing those truths is a step where most find a theory to match their belief system. Actively working to shed the old beliefs that are blocking their entry into our reality is the experiential step where many stumble. Helping people to bridge the gap between knowing and being is my passion. As you step into the truth of who you are, the fiction to which you held tight fades away, a distant reality not much different from a nightmare. There is no need to hide. There is no need to lie about who you are. There is no need to live out someone else’s idea of who you should be. These are all hallelujah messages that can shift you from living your old nightmare into waking up in the reality of your dreams. It's been a long time since I last blogged. In that time, I've given birth to an incredible human being. I've also been exploring what I used to think of as my "shadow side" - those parts of myself that embarrassed me, that I somehow thought I needed to hide in order to be accepted. The good news is I've been throwing off those old shackles and life has been sweeter than ever before. I've finally embraced what I've been denying for most of my life - I'm a psychic medium. My lifelong passion for spirituality is something I quietly hid, covering book titles when reading in cafes and handing the books over face down when checking out of libraries. Yet my quest to learn about the unseen workings of the universe gave me a strong foundation for tuning into and healing energy. Over the upcoming months and years, as my skills and abilities continue to expand, my work will expand along with it. Each day brings more surprises and more clarity. And each day my life becomes more magical. I welcome your company as we journey down this path together. It's a wild ride and we never know where it might lead. Let's take a deep breath, exhale, and get started! This morning, I had the rare opportunity to attend a yoga class. I'd found a new studio within 3 miles of my house. Better yet, its schedule fit mine - not too early, not too late - unlike my old standby studio. I prepped my toddler for my departure, and recruited her dad to watch her. I left the house, found my way to the class on time and eagerly signed in. Then I dashed into the studio and froze. Moist heat was being pumped into the studio, sticking to my clothes and mat. It hadn't even occurred to me to check if this was a heated yoga studio. As someone with mild asthma, and a history of getting winded during hot desert hikes, I've avoided hot yoga like the plague. I circled back to the front desk to ask some basic questions - Will my cell phone get screwed up if I keep it in the studio with me? No. How hot does it get? 95 degrees. Wow. Having conquered the major challenges of getting leave of my child and getting to the studio on time, I felt like there was no turning back. Yes, I could ask for a refund and leave, but I really wanted to do yoga. So I resigned myself to my fate. The receptionist took pity on me and threw me a towel. I doubled back and grabbed my water bottle from the car. As the class got started I was seething with anger. How could they do this to me? My mind kept re-telling the story of my asthma and heat intolerance, and as I tuned in I got madder and madder. I exited the studio several times to catch my breath. Each time the teacher turned up the heat, my anger would renew itself. As I continued to practice, my anger leading my thoughts, I soon had a eureka: being angry is not solving anything. While it may seem that the solution to a bad situation is to resist it, to keep its undesirable qualities away from us, it became clear that the only thing I could control in that room was me. Soon the anger gave way, and I felt a wave of sadness. Was I mourning the loss of the yoga class I'd envisioned, or some earlier loss that anger had been masking? Likely a combination of both. I stayed present to what came up, and soon the emotions and mental chatter passed. The heat became my new norm, and I took the hot yoga class slower than I might otherwise, skipping postures I knew would make me lightheaded. But I made it through. And as class ended, lying there on my mat, I felt like I'd climbed a mountain. I'd faced down a challenge - physical but even more so mental and emotional - and I'd overcome. And now, knowing that hot yoga is within the realm of what's possible for me, I just might try that Bikram studio down the street. |