We live in challenging times. Across the world, people are rising up, demanding freedom from oppression. The mirror we're seeing reflects both the ugliest and most ascendant qualities of humanity. As our emotions rise to new heights, this is our moment to recognize and comfort the conflicts within. As we heal ourselves, we heal our world. Personal shifts have dramatic impacts on the collective. Imagine what could happen if everyone were to tune in to the frequency of joy simultaneously. As an experiment, consider identifying one challenging emotion that has arisen for you in recent days. Next, call in to YourDivineUniquness this Thursday, February 9 at 2pm EST and allow me to help you shift that emotion. Experience Emotional Energetics, a tool I use to transform emotions quickly and sustainably. Gratitude is "in" these days. And for good reason. It's a joyful, high frequency emotion that can attract more wonderful things to be grateful about. We're told to use gratitude journals or daily rituals to increase our levels of gratitude. And these can certainly help. But they also relegate gratitude to a specific corner of our life that has little to do with the rest of us. And that, by its very nature, limits its impact on us. In order to really reap the benefits of gratitude, we can increase our awareness and use of it in real time. This means putting our attention on the things that we're grateful for, as they occur. Here are some tools to play with over the course of your day.
How has gratitude shaped your relationship with the world? What are your favorite gratitude practices? You can find your match by literally getting on the same wavelength. All matter vibrates, and like matter vibrates at like levels. That is how we hear the radio stations we listen to. You will bypass your ideal mate if you are vibrating at a different level, and you will attract him if you are vibrating at the same frequency.
Emotion is a carrier of vibration, and it propels the kinds of actions you are likely to take. Put yourself in the feeling state of the relationship you intend to attract and anchor it to you by experiencing as many of its attributes as possible.
Manifestation is a multitiered process that involves getting clear about your intentions and the why behind them, i.e. what experience you desire as a result of attracting a particular person or thing into your life. Use the tools above to anchor yourself emotionally and physically into your desired state and thus speed its attraction to you. |